The conduct of all students is expected to reflect the Sydney Institute of Higher Education’s core values. It is a condition of enrolment that students adhere to the Code of Conduct.
Students must respect the principle of academic freedom and free and open intellectual inquiry, for themselves, fellow students and staff.
Students must have a profound respect for the truth and academic honesty in their approach to their study. Cheating, collusion, plagiarism, falsification of research is expressly forbidden and penalties under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy will apply to students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty.
Students are expected to participate in good faith and to the best of their ability in their education.
Discriminatory behaviour or language of any kind is not acceptable. Students must never engage in discrimination against individuals or groups due to their race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, intersex or transgender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, religious or political beliefs, employment, age, physical appearance, disability or medical or mental health issues.
Students are expected to demonstrate respect for Australian Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander people and cultures.
Students must never engage in violent or threatening behaviour to other students or staff, including verbal or physical.
Any instances of sexual harassment or assault are strictly forbidden and will be addressed as per the Sexual Harassment and Assault Policy.
As a condition of enrolment students must have respect for the Sydney Institute of Higher Education’s property and resources.
The use of IT resources is subject to the IT Resources and Online Conduct Policy. The use of – Sydney Institute of Higher Education’s internet for illegal activity, downloading copyrighted materials or pornography or objectionable material is strictly forbidden.
Students are expected to behave with professionalism and respect in their interactions with Sydney Institute of Higher Education staff, academics, fellow students, visitors, and any potential external partners, such as those engaged for work-integrated learning activities.
Students are expected to abide by all Sydney Institute of Higher Education policies and procedures applicable to them as published on the Sydney Institute of Higher Education website and to seek clarification where necessary.
Students should seek further advice on program requirements and assessment activities wherever necessary and ensure they are aware of what is required of them to progress through a program of study.
Students are expected to take constructive criticism on their work from teaching staff in the spirit of learning and teaching that is intended.
Students are invited to contribute to the teaching feedback process for continual improvement of Sydney Institute of Higher Education programs and to engage in the teaching feedback process in good faith.
Students are expected to read and understand all official notices and communications to them, to seek clarification wherever necessary, and to attend to all administrative processes required of them, including informing Sydney Institute of Higher Education whenever their situation changes.
Students must respect other students’ abilities to participate fully in their education, including by valuing and respecting a multiplicity of perspectives and viewpoints in an academic environment that cultivates learning and teaching.
Students are expected to notify Sydney Institute of Higher Education of any breaches of this student code of conduct that they witness or are a party to.